To help cope with the pressures of school closure, Tute's Virtual Home School delivers the same lessons as our usual Virtual School to larger groups, at a lower cost per student, per lesson
The Tute Virtual Home School provides access to high-quality online lessons covering English, maths, science, humanities and
other curriculum subjects, delivered by Tute's qualified teachers.
Students join a group of up to 20 other learners in a choice of differentiated programmes, mapped to the National Curriculum.
The timetable is fixed with a choice of between 2 and 22 lessons
per week across KS1-KS4 at a cost of £6.00 per student, per lesson.
The Tute Team can enrol students within 24 hours.
Click on the timetables below to discover what's on offer
Please note:
The timetable is arranged in programmes: A, B and C
The minimum commitment is one subject in one programme (2 lessons per week)
Students can be enrolled in any number of subjects, in any individual programme or any combination of programmes (2 – 22 lessons per week)
The programmes are delivered as fixed units and cannot be split
Enrolment is made to the programme/s for the remainder of the half term
Logging in
What equipment do I need?
In order for students to access their Tute lessons, please ensure they have the correct equipment:
Internet access
Laptop, desktop, Chromebook or *tablet

Google Chrome
*Tute can run on Android 6.0 or above via Chrome or on an iPad 12.2 or above via safari
How do I access SOS lessons?
1. Click "Student" in the top right.
2. Enter your username and password.
3. Watch the video tutorial below.
Your username will be in the format:
Please note: if you enter your password incorrectly 3 times, you’ll need to phone the SOS office to unlock your account. To do this please call 01483 519 800 and have your username to hand.
I can't hear my teacher - How to use the lesson audio
Check your volume is up and not muted in your PC sound settings. If using a headset, make sure it is properly connected and that any physical volume controls are turned up and not muted.
To hear your teacher you need to be connected to the lesson audio. You can check this by looking at your username in the Users list where you should see a green icon of a headset or microphone next to your user name.
If you do not have either icon showing next to your username, click the Audio button at the bottom of the bottom of the lesson.
Choose your preferred option of Mic or Listen only and you will be connected to the audio. Your audio icon at the bottom of the screen will now show either Mic or Headphones.
If you select Mic and can't get it to work, see section 'My teacher can't hear me - how to use your microphone'

My teacher can't hear me - how to use your microphone
When you chose Mic as your lesson audio option, you need to grant permission by selecting 'Allow' when prompted by your browser.
Now follow the on screen instructions to test your microphone out. Speak a few words and you should hear them played back to you on the echo test. If you click Yes, you will be connected to the lesson audio and can now use your microphone to talk on the lesson.
If you do not hear anything on the echo test check your volume is working and click 'No'. You will now be able to change your audio settings. Under 'Microphone source' select your working mic. You can also change your speaker source. Test your speaker source by clicking the 'Play Sound' link.
Now you have selected your working Mic, click the retry button to return to the echo test. If you still can't hear yourself back on the echo test double check your mic is not muted and is working in your PC audio and device settings. Finally, check that your browser isn't blocking access to the microphone - see the next section.

My microphone is blocked - How to unblock your mic in your browser
If your mic doesn't work on the echo test, or you see an error saying 'There was an issue with your media devices' then your browser could be blocking access to your microphone. This is normally indicated by an icon in your browser's address bar. See the following examples for the three main browsers supported by Tute.
Google Chrome
Look for the Camera icon with a red 'x' on the right side of the address bar. Click it, and select 'Always allow...' and select 'Done'. Now refresh your lesson page and make sure to click allow if prompted.
Mozilla Firefox
Look for the Microphone icon with a red dot on the left side of the address bar and click it. Click the 'X' o remove the 'Blocked Temporarily' message and refresh your lesson page. Make sure to click 'Allow' when prompted.
Microsoft Edge
Look for the Microphone icon with a red dot on the right side of the address bar. Click it, and select 'Always allow...' and select 'Done'. Now refresh your lesson page and make sure to click allow if prompted.